First Brainstorm workshop in Spanish

We were delighted to broadcast the first-ever Brainstorm workshop entirely delivered in Spanish.

Brainstorm is a free, open-source app for multimodal electrophysiology and imaging that our group co-develops with collaborators at the University of Southern of California, UT Houston, MIT among others. Brainstorm has grown a user community of >31,000 across the world.

Today, scientific communication in English is dominant, which is both convenient to many and unfair when English is a second or third language in your region. One takes for granted that English is easy to learn and to use professionally — the reality is actually more nuanced, as explained in the following paper.

We are happy to share that session via Brainstorm’s YouTube channel. It was attended by dozens of students and staff researchers from around the globe, from Santiago, to Cadiz to London UK and India!

Please stay tuned as we are looking forward to organizing future events on more specialized topics in Spanish and other languages soon! If you are a Brainstorm user and would like to drive one of these events, please let us know!

And now, time to enjoy the video recording of this event!

¡Y ahora es el momento de disfrutar de la grabación en video de este evento!


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