Our Team.
Click on portraits for more info.
Post-Doctoral Researchers.
Graduate Trainees.
Niloofar Gharesi / NSERC CREATE Scholar / Shiraz U (Iran) / (w/ Prof John Kalaska)

Ellie Hill / FRQS Scholar / U Nottingham (UK) (w/ Dr. Roy Dudley)

Jonathan Rudolf Gallego / CONACyT Scholar / UNAM (Mexico) / (w/ Prof Sylvia Villeneuve)

Xiabo Liu / CSC Scholar / UESTC (China)

Zaida Escila Martínez Moreno / CONACyT Scholar & FRQNT Fellow (w/ Dr. De Villers-Sidani)
Olivia Bizimungu / FRQNT & NSERC CREATE Scholar / Mount Allison U

Luc Wilson / FRQNT Scholar / Neuroscience / McGill

Dominic Boutet / FRQNT Scholar / Neuroscience & Computer Science / McGill
Jonah Kember / McGill Neuroscience (w/ Prof Xiaoqian Chai)
Idil Aydin / NSERC Scholar /Computer Science & Biology / McGill

Nicole Owsicki / Neuroscience / U of Toronto

Kuang-Hen Lee / M.D. Taipei VGH / in collaboration with Dr Roy W. Dudley.
Visiting Graduate Trainees & Undergrad Research Interns.
Post-Doctoral Researchers.

Philippe Albouy, PhD / NSERC Banting Fellow / now faculty @ U Laval (QC)

Benjamin Morillon, PhD / now PI @ INSERM (France)

Cecile de Vos, PhD / CIHR Fellow / now faculty @ ErasmusMC (The Netherlands)

Micah Amd, PhD / now faculty @ U South Pacific (Fidji)

Therese Lennert, PhD / CIHR Fellow

Katie Becker, PhD / Colorado State U / (w/ Dr De Villers-Sidani) ; now Human Factors Scientist at Exponent (Denver CO, USA).
Guiomar Niso Galan, PhD / now head of neuroimaging at Cajal Institute (Spain).
Christian O'Reilly, PhD / now faculty @ U South Carolina (USA)
Rey R. Ramirez, PhD / now Research Scientist @ U Washington (USA)
Esther Florin, PhD / now faculty @ Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf (Germany)

Mathieu Landry, PhD / now faculty at Université du Québec Trois-Rivières
Alex Wiesman, PhD / NIH F32 & CIHR Banting Fellow / now faculty at Simon Fraser University
Graduate Trainees.
Guillaume Auzias, PhD / now PI @ CNRS (France)
Benoit Cottereau / now PI @ CNRS (France)

Bertrand Godet, MD MSc / Neurologist (France)
Charlotte Rosso, MD PhD / Professor & Stroke Neurologist @ La Salpetriere U Hospital (France)
Jeremy Moreau, PhD / now at U of Calgary Medical School

Chiran Doshi, MSc / now Front End Web Developer
Yohan Attal, PhD / co-founder & CEO myBrain Technologies

Saskia von Heumen, MSc / Technical Medicine @ TU Delft (The Netherlands)
Karim Jerbi, PhD / now faculty @ U de Montréal (Canada)

Clemens Barthold, MSc /Biomedical Technologies, U Tübingen (Germany)

David Gorisse, MSc / Senior Software Engineer

Peter Donahauser, PhD / now post-doc researcher @ Max-Planck Institute Frankfurt (Germany)

Phil Dickinson, PhD (w/ Pierre Bellec)

Rémi Cuingnet, MSc / Research Scientist @ Veolia
Diana Irazu Escalona Vargas, PhD / now faculty @ U Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Aurelien Weiss, PhD

Soheila Samiee, PhD / now with R & D Dept, BASF (Ontario)

Sébastien Déry, MSc / now with Apple

Eva Chadnova, PhD / now @ McGill School of Medicine

Basma Touil, PhD
Sheraz Khan, PhD / faculty @ Harvard Medical School

Franziska Müller, MSc / now in Medical School (Germany)

Sophie Chen, MSc / Research Staff INSERM U Hospital La Timone (France)
Guillaume Obozinski, PhD / Deputy Chief Data Scientist, Swiss Data Science Center

Lucie Luneau, MSc / Science Outreach & Education

Maciej Jaskowski, MSc / Senior Machine Learning Researcher @ Nomagic
Marc Castella, PhD / faculty @ Telecom Institute (France)

Nidiyare Hevia Montiel, PhD / faculty @ Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (Mexico)
Julien Lefèvre, PhD / faculty @ U Aix-Marseille (France)

Florence Gombert, PhD / Academic Liaison @ ERGANEO

Patricia Tomaszewski, MSc / Workshop Developer & Facilitator @ McGill
Konstaninos Nasiotis, PhD (w/ Chris Pack) / founder & CEO, Nevronas Inc.
Stéphane Barhami, MD PhD / faculty @ U Versailles-St-Quentin (France)
Julien Denis, MD MSc / Clinician scientist (France)

Farnood Faraji / MITACS Scholar / Electrical & Computer Eng. McGill / (in collab. w/ AAVAA Inc.)

Hyerang (Hannah) Jin / FRQS Scholar / McGill / now at U of Toronto Medical School

Sebastian Andric / NSERC CREATE Scholar / McGill

Jie Dong / CSC Scholar / Xiamen U (China) / (w/ Prof Chris Pack)

Tracy Wu / McGill (w/ Prof Anouk La Montagne)
Jason Da Silva Castanheira / NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Doctoral Scholar / McGill / Now postdoctoral researcher @ UCL

Max Levinson / HBHL + QBIN Scholar + Joan * Warren Chippindale Outstanding Student Awardee / Cornell U ; now postodoctal researcher @ NYU
Visiting Graduate & Undergrad Research Trainees.
Thomas Hinault, now PI @ INSERM (Caen, France)

Zi Hui (Lily) Su

Hao Yu Chen

Arnaud Gloagen

Can Turkmenoglu

Carolina Miglorelli

Chia-Hsiung Cheng

Christine Cahaney

Chrysa Papadaniil
Diamond Yao

Golia Shafiei

Hoai Phuoc Truong
Hui-Ling Chan, now faculty, Dept of Computer Science & Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

Irina Pivneva

Ishan Walpola

Ching Wen (Jessica CW) Wang, Neurosurgery Resident Physician, University of British Columbia

Jie Song

Judith Schmitz

Justin Lessard-Wajcer

Heike Schuler

Li Yuan (Debby) Chen

Zi Hui (Lily) Su

Romain Bosa

Mansooreh Pakravan

Marianne Bordères

Maryse Thomas

Patricia Moscibrodzki

Rana El Khoury

Matthew Masapollo

Rishabh Tandon

Thomas Donoghue / now post-doc @ NYU

Deepak Sharma

Xindi Wang

Bart Wijlens

Linda Kaleis

Samantha Gauvreau

Justine Hansen / now Grad Studies @ McGill

Florence Le Rudullier

Annie Kwan

Gian Marco Duma / U Padova (Italy)
Anna-Katharina Bauer

Léo Nouvelle (Ecole Centrale, Paris.)

Maxime Radmacher, Ecole Polytechnique (Cognitive Sciences, Paris)
Céline Thiriez, Ecole Polytechnique (Data Science, Paris)
Scott Pesme, Ecole Polytechnique (Mathematics, Paris)
Clément Jumel, Ecole Polytechnique (Computer Science, Paris)
Diane Lenormand, Ecole Polytechnique (Biology, Paris)

Helen M. Lin / Capstone Design Project / McGill Electrical Engineering

Yaqi Li / Helen M. Lin / Capstone Design Project / McGill Electrical Engineering

Violet Rally / Computer Science & Biology / McGill

Jenny Zheng / Neuroscience & Computer Science / McGill
Charlotte Sacré / Neuroscience & Maths / McGill

Michelle Wang / Quantitative Life Sciences graduate program / McGill

B. Tugce Gurbuz / Quantitative Life Sciences graduate program / McGill

Ricardo Illesca / Neuroscience / Pontificia Universidad Católica (Chile)
Jonathan Poli / CentraleSupelec (Paris, France)
Antoine Bou Khalil / Ecole Polytechnique (Paris, France)

Martha Liu / U2 Psychology / McGill
Zoe Slendebroek / Biosciences / University College London & McGill
Yueyue (Sapphire) Hou / B.A. Applied Psychology & Education Boston College & M.Ed. Harvard
Yuxin Zhou / U3 Neuroscience & Psychology / McGill
Katherine Chadwick / Neuroscience / McGill
Flynn Baker / Neuroscience & Biology / McGill

Maria Sayu Yamamoto / INRIA Bordeaux (France)

Jakob Grünwald / Computer Science / U Nice-Côte d'Azur (France) w/ Prof Alexandre Muzy

Domenico Bonilla Marcello / Neuroscience & Computer Science / McGill

Charlotte Mancuso (ENS Lyon, France)

Pauline Amrouche / Ecole Polytechnique (Paris, France)

Vikram Nathan / Honors Computer Science & Biology / McGill U
Le Thuy Duong Nguyen / Cognitive Science & International Development / McGill
Anna Zaidi / Computer Science / McGill
Dong Jae (James) Sung / Neuroscience / McGill