Lab graduate trainee receives Alexander Graham Bell Doctoral Scholarship from NSERC.

Congratulations to our lab’s PhD trainee Jason Da Silva Castanheira on this prestigious award!

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) offers the Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Doctoral Scholarship to top-ranked Postgraduate Scholarships-Doctoral applicants. The prestigious program allows excellent students to pursue doctoral studies in Canada. The objective of the program is to ensure a reliable supply of highly qualified personnel to meet the needs of Canada’s knowledge economy. 

Jason Da Silva Castanheira

Jason receives the award from the NSERC Selection Committee in Psychology. It will support his PhD research training over the next 3 years, with McGill’s Integrated Program in Neuroscience. His project concerns both the nature of different neurophysiological mechanisms enabling visual attention, and the data-driven analytics of brain fingerprinting using electrophysiological signal markers.

With support from NSERC and this award, we can expect more great things ahead from Jason’s research work — so please stay tuned!


Zaida obtains merit scholarship from Fonds de Recherche du Québec.


New article clarifies the predictive nature of auditory responses in brainstem and cortex.