Olivia Bizimungu joins the lab as new graduate trainee.

We are delighted to welcome Olivia as new Masters student from McGill’s Integrated Program for Neuroscience!

Olivia just completed a BSc in Cognitive Science at Mount Allison University, where she did her honours thesis studying memory and perception. In previous research, she analyzed the neural correlates of visual motion detection.

Olivia is joining our lab with a research project in collaboration with Dr. Lucie Ménard (UQAM). She will investigate how the sensorimotor cortex influences speech perception. Her research will involve empirical data and computational models of active inference. 

Her MSc is supported in part by a scholarship from NSERC’s CREATE program in Complex Dynamics of Brain and Behaviour, and a Research Incubator award from McGill’s Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music.

Aside from research, Olivia is also an avid photographer and enjoys watching new movies!

Follow her on Twitter: @OliviaBizi


Our new study shows how the predicting machinery of our brains syncs hearing with vision


Zaida obtains merit scholarship from Fonds de Recherche du Québec.