Welcome Dr. Alex Wiesman!

Alex received his B.S. in neuroscience from the University of Nebraska - Omaha, where he studied retinal electrophysiology with Wallace Thoreson, before pursuing graduate education at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. At UNMC Alex worked with Tony Wilson using magnetoencephalography (MEG) to study visuospatial processing and visual attention in health and in neurodegenerative disorders.

His postdoctoral work with us at McGill is sponsored by a prestigious NIH F32 Fellowship at the Montreal Neurological Institute. Alex will use functional neuroimaging and clinical data to investigate neural interactions between attention and somato-motor systems in patients with Parkinson's disease.

In his free time, Alex uses travel as an excuse to eat great food in exotic places, is an avid home cook, and likes to read sci-fi and write poetry.


Sylvain on Scientific Advisory Board of new consortium for consciousness research.


Welcome Ellie Hill!