Welcome Dr. Katherine Becker!

My research area focuses on assessing the neural mechanisms underlying the hearing impairments preceding the onset of cognitive decline in older individuals with age-related hearing loss (ARHL) using magnetoencephalography (MEG). This project will incorporate machine learning and neuropsychological measures, with a special emphasis on the potential of hearing augmentation to improve cognitive function. Using this approach, measures of network synchrony between Heschl's gyrus and a network of brain regions will be used as predictors of cognitive improvement before and after 3-months of hearing augmentation use in individuals with ARHL.

I graduated magna cum laude with two bachelor's degrees (a B.S. in Neuroscience and a B.A. in German) from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 2012. After completing my undergraduate degrees I worked at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in the Center for Magnetoencephalography for two years as a professional research assistant. I received my PhD in Psychology with a focus in Cognitive Neuroscience at Colorado State University in 2020.

I enjoy hiking, swimming, traveling to new countries, and drawing and painting.


Nature Neuroscience article in collaboration obtains Excellence Research Award in biomedicine.


Sylvain on Scientific Advisory Board of new consortium for consciousness research.