New paper out in Neurology: Clinical Practice.

We report first epileptic seizures recorded and mapped with MEG.

Our paper in collaboration with Prof Roy Dudley (Montreal Children’s Hospital) details two cases of pediatric epilepsy patients experiencing seizures while sleeping in the MEG. The data provides unique insight concerning the origins and nature of their seizures.

The preprint of the study is available in open access.

From the paper: “The added value of magnetoencephalography (MEG) in the presurgical evaluation for drug-resistant epilepsy is well-recognized. However, MEG remains mostly limited to analysis of interictal epileptic activity. Seizures are uncommonly captured due to logistical considerations despite mounting evidence of the value of ictal MEG in localising the seizure onset zone. Here we report the recording and analysis of ictal MEG recordings in two drug-resistant epilepsy presurgical candidates that spent a night sleeping in the MEG.”


Welcome Xiaobo Liu!


New paper out in BMJ Health & Care Informatics.