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Sylvain elected as Chair of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
Misc. sylvain baillet Misc. sylvain baillet

Sylvain elected as Chair of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.

Sylvain has been elected Chair of the Organization, which purpose is to advance the understanding of the anatomical and functional organization of the human brain, and to promote the medical and societal applications of brain imaging methods.

OHBM is the largest scholarly Society of the field, with several international Chapters, Special Interest Groups and an annual meeting gathering 3,000 attendees.

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Another brick in brain decoding.
Misc. sylvain baillet Misc. sylvain baillet

Another brick in brain decoding.

Sylvain was interviewed by the magazine Science about a new study published in PLoS Biology reporting the decoding of music from the electrophysiological activity of the brain of participants.

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The road to Francisco
Misc. sylvain baillet Misc. sylvain baillet

The road to Francisco

Francisco Varela, brilliant intellectual, neuroscientist and free spirit, passed away 20 years ago today. Our roads crossed for a little while. Here is a short, personal account of these memories, dating back from the 17th century.

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