Major extension of Brainstorm support of NWB data types.

Former lab graduate (co-supervised with Dr. Chris Pack) Konstantinos Nasiotis delivered extended Brainstorm support of the expansive @NeurodataWB electrophysiology data standard, now including all types of extracellular recordings (raw, LFP, EEG, ECoG), behavior, acq, spike events, epoch transitions, electrode metadata.

brainstorm multiunit electrophysiology nwb baillet lab

The new features were tested extensively using open-data archives like @DANDIarchive, with #Neuropixel and other probes. They significantly expand the Brainstorm toolkit for visualization and analytics of multi-unit, multi scale electrophysiology we published recently.

Open access to the original journal article here.

Open access to the original journal article here.


New paper in Journal of Neuroscience.


Dr. Raymundo Cassani joins our lab as key developer, Brainstorm project.