New paper in Journal of Neuroscience.

We just published in Journal of Neuroscience with Sebastian Puschmann, Mor Regev & Robert Zatorre:
"MEG inter-subject phase-locking of stimulus-driven activity during naturalistic speech listening correlates with musical training."

Inspired by fMRI approaches, we developed a new MEG inter-subject analysis approach to study the cortical synchronization of stimulus-driven neural responses during the perception of continuous natural speech and its relationship to individual musical training.

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Our results provide evidence that musical training is associated with higher synchronization of stimulus-driven activity between brain regions involved in early auditory sensory and higher-order processing.

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We suggest that the increased synchronized propagation of speech information may contribute to the previously described musician advantage in processing speech in background noise.

All analyses with Brainstorm!


Interview by Quanta & WIRED magazines.


Major extension of Brainstorm support of NWB data types.