New open source software tool for clinical multimodal imaging.

We publish today in Journal of Digital Imaging a new cool, simple and practical software tool : "MNI SISCOM for Subtracting Ictal Single-Photon Emission CT Coregistered to MRI."

The code, contributed by lab graduate Dr. Jeremy Moreau, is free and openly available on GitHub, for everyone to give a try and improve on current version. The paper is also open access.

This is one of the many fruits of our ongoing collaboration with neurosurgeon extraordinaire Prof Roy WR Dudley at Montreal Children’s Hospital, @mcgillmed, McGill University.

From the paper: “Subtraction ictal single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) coregistered to MRI (SISCOM) is a well-established technique for quantitative analysis of ictal vs interictal SPECT images that can contribute to the identification of the seizure onset zone in patients with drug‐resistant epilepsy. However, there is presently a lack of user-friendly free and open-source software to compute SISCOM results from raw SPECT and MRI images. We aimed to develop a simple graphical desktop application for computing SISCOM. MNI SISCOM is a new free and open-source software application for computing SISCOM and producing practical MRI/SPECT/SISCOM image panels for review and reporting. The graphical interface allows any user to quickly and easily obtain SISCOM images with minimal user interaction. Additionally, MNI SISCOM provides command line and Python interfaces for users who would like to integrate these features into their own scripts and pipelines. MNI SISCOM is freely available for download.”


New case report of rare pediatric seizure data captured with MEG.


Interview by Quanta & WIRED magazines.